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A corner of my mind featuring my photography, design and other little tidbits of the internet I find!

Shot the lovely cutie L yesterday amidst evergreen trees waiting to be decorated. I was experimenting with a borrowed Canon 5D Mark II (love it! can't afford it!) and the results were so refreshing and I can almost smell the pine needles through the pictures. 

It's getting chilly, and I dislike it. In the past my only therapy for the cold was taking pictures and enjoying a multitude of tv shows.

 Amidst the scorching hot weather and swathes of tourists, I visited Disney. 

I shot with the beautiful ging princess, K in one of my favorite places on Earth; a greenhouse.

Wanting to collaborate on a lookbook for the end of summer, we (2 friends and I) ventured to Toronto for a day of cute cafes and graffiti alleyways.
Dear me,
Over the past few months I've had a lovely affair with my photography and other art.

Shot with the gorgeous Sonja, atop a parking garage.